What is it?

The Skills Framework (SFw) is a SkillsFuture initiative, designed to promote skills mastery and lifelong learning for the Singapore workforce.

The Skills Framework for Agrifood is jointly developed by Singapore Food Agency (SFA) and SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), along with employers, industry associations and unions, education and training providers.

The Skills Framework for Agrifood identifies Sector Information, Career Pathways, Job Roles and their Key Tasks and Functions as well as Existing and Emerging skills required for skills and facilitating mastery.

Who is it for?


  • Individuals who wish to join or progress within the Agrifood sector

  • Assess their career interests and aspirations within the sector

  • Identify relevant training programmes to upgrade and enhance their skills

  • Prepare for the desired job roles and opportunities within the industry.


  • Recognise and understand the vital skills required for success in the Agrifood sector

  • Invest in training and development programmes to enhance their employees' skills and support their career progression

Training providers:

  • Gain insights on the latest sector trends and emerging skill sets that are in demand

  • Design and develop training programmes that cater to the specific needs of the industry

How does it work?

Sector Information

Sector Information

This section provides information on the SFw for Agrifood, including information on trends and workforce profiles in relation to the Agriculture and Aquaculture subsectors.

Please click ‘Sector Overview’ to be introduced to Food Farming, and click ‘Skills Guide’ to access skills and career resources. 

Skills Maps

Skills Maps

The Skills Maps covers a total of 6 job roles, and more than 20 critical work functions, key tasks and skills and competencies in relation to the Agriculture and Aquaculture subsectors. 

Skills and Competencies

Skills and Competencies

Each of the identified jobs roles are accompanied by a list of skills and competencies under two broad categories:

(a) Technical Skills and Competencies, which comprises of occupation/job-specific knowledge, skills and abilities that a person needs to have to perform various tasks.

(b) Critical Core Skills (CCS), as identified for each job. CCSs are employability/transferable skills and competencies.

Training Programmes

Training Programmes

For new entrants and in-service employees in the Agrifood sector to identify and enroll in relevant training programmes to acquire the necessary skills.

05 Dec 2024