
Skills Framework For Workplace Safety And Health (WSH)

About Skills Framework for WSH

The Skills Framework for WSH is jointly developed by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), Workforce Singapore (WSG) and Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSHC) together with employers, industry associations, education and training providers and the union. Examples of partners include the Singapore Institution of Safety Officers, Singapore Technologies Marine Ltd, Singapore University of Social Sciences and Ngee Ann Polytechnic. It provides information on the sector, career pathways, occupations/job roles, skills and competencies, and training programmes.

It aims to create a common skills language for individuals, employers, and education and training providers. This further facilitates skills recognition and supports the design of training programmes for skills and career development.

In addition, it is developed to build deep skills for a lean workforce, enhance business competitiveness, and support employment and employability. The Skills Framework for the WSH will also play a part in the supporting the WSH 2028 target.

Skills Framework for WSH Supports the WSH 2028 Target

The WSH 2028 target aims to lower the number of workplace fatalities to less than 1.0 per 100,000 workers by 2028.

The Skills Framework for WSH supports the WSH 2028 target by ensuring the WSH workforce is equipped with the necessary skills and talent to help the sector progress. This is achieved through identifying pivotal jobs in the WSH domain, outlining possible career pathways for talent attraction and retention, as well as articulating existing and emerging skills to support the growth and transformation of the profession.

Job roles in the WSH domain will evolve with digitalisation and automation, and existing professionals must be equipped with new skills and competencies. For example, competency in data synthesis will allow WSH officers to track the latest megatrends of manual handling injuries or identify new areas of injury risk, while knowledge of technology infrastructure management and integration will enable WSH officers to evaluate the latest available technologies to integrate into their existing operations, which will increase work efficiency and cost savings.

The Skills Framework for WSH will recommend relevant training programmes and skills required to help the existing professionals tackle the changing WSH landscape.

Who is the Skills Framework for WSH for?

The Skills Framework for WSH will benefit four key groups:

Key components of the Skills Framework

The Skills Framework for WSH contains information on the sector, career pathways, occupations/job roles, skills and competencies, and training programmes. The key components include:

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23 Mar 2023